
1. Which of the following statement describes a longitudinal wave?

Question 1 of 30

2. The distance between 2 successive rarefactions or compressions in a longitudinal wave is called?

Question 2 of 30

3. Waves which do not require material medium for transmission are called?

Question 3 of 30

4. Describe the wave trains in a longitudinal wave?

Question 4 of 30

5. Time taken by a particle to complete one oscillation is called?

Question 5 of 30

6. Frequency = inverse of Period. True or False?

Question 6 of 30

7. Name the two types of mechanical waves?

Question 7 of 30

8. Mention the main difference between electromagnetic and mechanical waves?

Question 8 of 30

9. Waves which require a material medium for transmission are called?

Question 9 of 30

10. Particles in a wave motion which oscillate in opposite direction and at the same level of displacement in the opposite direction of the rest position are said to be?

Question 10 of 30

11. The distance covered by a wave in one second is called?

Question 11 of 30

12. Describe the wave trains in a transverse wave?

Question 12 of 30

13. What is generated when a single vibration is sent through a medium?

Question 13 of 30

14. State the difference between transverse waves and longitudinal waves?

Question 14 of 30

15. SI UNIT of wavelength is?

Question 15 of 30

16. The distance between 2 successive crests or troughs in a transverse wave is called?

Question 16 of 30

17. What is the SI UNIT of amplitude?

Question 17 of 30

18. Frequency of a wave = (no.of complete wavelengths)/(time taken )

Question 18 of 30

19. Mention the SI UNIT of speed?

Question 19 of 30

20. Which of the following statement describes a transverse wave?

Question 20 of 30

21. What is generated as a result of continuous vibrations at a constant rate in a medium?

Question 21 of 30

22. Mention the SI UNIT of frequency?

Question 22 of 30

23. Mention the name of the waves that move continually away from the source?

Question 23 of 30

24. Speed (v) = Lambda x f (product of wavelength and frequency)

Question 24 of 30

25. Mention 3 main classification of waves according to their nature?

Question 25 of 30

26. The distance between 2 points on a wave train which are in phase is called?

Question 26 of 30

27. The amplitude of a wave is?

Question 27 of 30

28. Mention the SI UNIT of period?

Question 28 of 30

29. The number of complete oscillations made by a particle in one second?

Question 29 of 30

30. Particles in a wave motion which oscillate in the same direction and at the same level of displacement in their oscillation are said to be

Question 30 of 30