Uniform Circular Motion

1. Which of the following is not an example of circular motion?

Question 1 of 21

2. What is the condition that makes skidding to occur?

Question 2 of 21

3. For a body whose motion is in a vertical circle, its tension will be maximum when? i.e. a ball tied to one end of a string)

Question 3 of 21

4. When the speed of a body moving in a circular path is constant the body is said to be moving with uniform circular motion. True or False?

Question 4 of 21

5. SI UNIT of angular displacement is?

Question 5 of 21

6. Centripetal force is?

Question 6 of 21

7. The change of angular displacement with time is called?

Question 7 of 21

8. Which of the following is a factor which affects centripetal force?

Question 8 of 21

9. What is the formula of centripetal force?

Question 9 of 21

10. What is the formula of centripetal acceleration?

Question 10 of 21

11. Increasing the rate of angular velocity requires higher centripetal force?

Question 11 of 21

12. Define centripetal acceleration

Question 12 of 21

13. The heavier the object i.e. stone the more the centripetal force it shall require to keep it moving in a circular path?

Question 13 of 21

14. What is the formula to calculate the minimum Velocity for a body which is in a vertical motion?

Question 14 of 21

15. What is the name of the force which is required to maintain an object in a circular motion?

Question 15 of 21

16. A longer radius path will require a larger centripetal force?

Question 16 of 21

17. What is the formula of angular velocity? (Omega)

Question 17 of 21

18. Name the 3 applications of circular motion

Question 18 of 21

19. SI UNIT of angular velocity is?

Question 19 of 21

20. What is the formula of speed?

Question 20 of 21

21. What is the formula of time taken for 1 complete displacement?

Question 21 of 21