Sounds 1

1. Sound wave is which type of a wave?

Question 1 of 23

2. Solids transmit sound at a speed of?

Question 2 of 23

3. Why is a sound wave a longitudinal wave?

Question 3 of 23

4. In which of the following medium is sound transmitted slowest?

Question 4 of 23

5. The speed of sound in air is about?

Question 5 of 23

6. Sound originates from vibrating bodies. True or False?

Question 6 of 23

7. Which of the following is the most common use of reflection of sound?

Question 7 of 23

8. The angle of reflection of a sound wave is equal to the angle of incidence?

Question 8 of 23

9. Which among the following is an application of pulse echo technique?

Question 9 of 23

10. Does a vacuum transmit sound waves?

Question 10 of 23

11. Why are concert halls and broadcasting studios made of walls of absorbent materials such as cotton wool or rubber?

Question 11 of 23

12. The velocity of sound in air:

Question 12 of 23

13. The velocity of sound in salty water is?

Question 13 of 23

14. Sound waves obey the laws of reflection?

Question 14 of 23

15. How is sound energy propagated from a vibrating object?

Question 15 of 23

16. Reflected sound is called (from an obstacle)?

Question 16 of 23

17. Define reverberation?

Question 17 of 23

18. Which of the following is NOT a source of sound?

Question 18 of 23

19. Which of the following is a factor affecting velocity of sound in air?

Question 19 of 23

20. How do you calculate the distance in pulse echo technique?

Question 20 of 23

21. The velocity of sound in fresh water is?

Question 21 of 23

22. Sound travels faster in HOT air than in COLD air?

Question 22 of 23

23. In which of the following medium is sound transmitted fastest?

Question 23 of 23