Photoelectric Effect

1. What is the minimum amount of work energy needed to dislodge an electron from a metal surface?

Question 1 of 18

2. The maximum wavelength beyond which no photoelectric emission can occur is called?

Question 2 of 18

3. All metals have the same minimum frequency for photo emission. True or False?

Question 3 of 18

4. For emission of photoelectrons to occur from a metal surface it must meet what conditions?

Question 4 of 18

5. Mention the functions of photo emissive cells

Question 5 of 18

6. Explain what happens when an electromagnetic wave of sufficient frequency is irradiated on a metal surface?

Question 6 of 18

7. The no. of photoelectrons produced is directly proportional to the intensity. True or False?

Question 7 of 18

8. The amount of energy which is absorbed by an electron on a METAL surface when a photon strikes it varies from one metal to another. True or False?

Question 8 of 18

9. Which are the key factors affecting the photoelectric effect?

Question 9 of 18

10. According to Planck E= h x c/Lambda where h and c are constants then it means that radiation with longer wavelength possess low energy while radiation with shorter wavelength possess high energy?

Question 10 of 18

11. Einstein's photoelectric equation is equal to:

Question 11 of 18

12. The Kinetic energy of photoelectrons produced is directly proportional to the energy of radiation. True or False?

Question 12 of 18

13. Explain Light energy and Quantum theory according to Max Planck

Question 13 of 18

14. According to Planck, E=hf such that E= h x Lambda. True or False?

Question 14 of 18

15. The minimum frequency beyond which no photoelectric emission can occur is called?

Question 15 of 18

16. According to Planck, the energy E possessed by one photon is given by:

Question 16 of 18

17. Explain Einstein's equation of the photoelectric effect?

Question 17 of 18

18. Which of the following is not among the application of photoelectric effect?

Question 18 of 18