Fluid Flow

1. What causes a fluid to flow?

Question 1 of 36

2. Which of the following is a result caused by Bernoullis effect?

Question 2 of 36

3. Shapes which produce eddies (turbulence) which offer a drag on the moving shapes are called?

Question 3 of 36

4. Briefly explain what shall happen when a fluid (non-viscous and steady) is flowing from a pipe of big cross-section area to a smaller one?

Question 4 of 36

5. Which of the following statements describes turbulent flow?

Question 5 of 36

6. Name the device for measuring volume flux of a fluid?

Question 6 of 36

7. Name the device for measuring the velocity of moving fluid?

Question 7 of 36

8. Which among the following is NOT an application of Bernoullis principle?

Question 8 of 36

9. In laminar flow, fluid particles flow along a streamline?

Question 9 of 36

10. Distinguish between steady flow and laminar flow?

Question 10 of 36

11. Eddies are lines of flow that form in zig-zag manner and rotate about their own axis. They are characteristic of which type of flow?

Question 11 of 36

12. The equation of continuity/ flow rate for a non-viscous steady flow states that; - THE AREA OF CROSS-SECTION OF THE FLUID IS INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL TO THE VELOCITY OF THE FLUID.

Question 12 of 36

13. Mention the hazards of Bernoullis effect?

Question 13 of 36

14. When fluid flow passes beyond a certain velocity known as critical velocity what sets in?

Question 14 of 36

15. What comprises a fluid?

Question 15 of 36


Question 16 of 36

17. Mention two types of flow?

Question 17 of 36

18. The Bernoullis equation in fluid dynamics is valid for?

Question 18 of 36

19. Ripples or eddies have a drag effect on the object moving through the fluid. True or False?

Question 19 of 36

20. Define Bernoullis principle

Question 20 of 36

21. Distinguish between the streamline and turbulent flow?

Question 21 of 36

22. Eddies formed in turbulent flow are major cause of the energy loss in turbulent flow. True or false?

Question 22 of 36

23. Name the assumptions made on the fluid when deriving the equation of continuity?

Question 23 of 36

24. Equation of continuity is the product between AREA and VELOCITY [AREAxVELOCITY]

Question 24 of 36

25. Flow rate or equation of continuity is constant (k) across the tube flow?

Question 25 of 36

26. The volume of a fluid passing through a given section of a tube of flow per unit time is called?

Question 26 of 36

27. Consider a ship that gives rise to more eddies and requires more effort to move it; is the ship designed for streamline flow?

Question 27 of 36

28. Turbulent flow is the breaking of streamlines into ripples (disorderly flow)?

Question 28 of 36

29. Which of the following is Bernoullis equation?

Question 29 of 36

30. Briefly explain what shall happen when a non-viscous steady fluid is flowing from a pipe of small cross-section area to a bigger one?

Question 30 of 36

31. The mass of the fluid that flows through a given section per unit time is called?

Question 31 of 36

32. MASS FLUX = DENSITY x VOLUME FLUX (product of density and volume flux)

Question 32 of 36

33. State the Bernoullis effect?

Question 33 of 36

34. Uniform flow is defined as a type of flow in which acceleration is zero; velocity is constant?

Question 34 of 36

35. Describe the shapes (bodies/objects) suited to streamline flow. They are:

Question 35 of 36

36. Which of the following statements describe streamline flow?

Question 36 of 36