Electrostatics 2

1. Which of the following statements about capacitor is CORRECT?

Question 1 of 35

2. Why is an electrolytic capacitor preferred to a paper capacitor?

Question 2 of 35

3. Capacitance is directly proportional to the area of plates overlap and inversely proportional to the distance of separation between 2 plates or more. True or False?

Question 3 of 35

4. Which type of capacitor is able to vary its capacitance and is popular used in radio receivers for tuning?

Question 4 of 35

5. The resultant capacitor in a parallel connection is the sum of individual capacitor CT = C1 + C2 + C3

Question 5 of 35

6. The resultant capacitance in a series connection is the sum of the reciprocal of the capacitance of individual capacitors i.e. 1/Ctotal = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3

Question 6 of 35

7. Give the formula of the energy stored in a capacitor

Question 7 of 35

8. Electric field lines are parallel at a uniform field however they are closely arranged at?

Question 8 of 35

9. The direction of an electric field at a point is the direction in which a positively charged particle would move if placed at that point. True or False?

Question 9 of 35

10. Which of the following is among the properties of an electric field?

Question 10 of 35

11. Which capacitor is made by passing a direct current (d.c ) between aluminum foils with a suitable electrolyte (aluminum borate) in between?

Question 11 of 35

12. State the SI UNIT of capacitance?

Question 12 of 35

13. Name the device used to store charges?

Question 13 of 35

14. Mention 3 types of capacitors

Question 14 of 35

15. What does a Lighting arrestor comprise of?

Question 15 of 35

16. C is proportional to A/d and C = (k x A)/d where C = capacitance. Which of the following statements CORRECTLY describe the other parameters in the highlighted formula?

Question 16 of 35

17. Electric field lines do not cross one another. True or False?

Question 17 of 35

18. Objects which have a sharp point have a higher charge concentration. True or False?

Question 18 of 35

19. Give the SI unit of the energy stored in a capacitor?

Question 19 of 35

20. What IS THE name given to a measure of the amount of charge the capacitor can store when connected to a given voltage?

Question 20 of 35

21. Electric field lines are parallel at a uniform field however they are widely spread at?

Question 21 of 35

22. Objects with a sharp point discharge charges faster?

Question 22 of 35

23. Between a spherical object and a pear shaped body of equal charge which of the two has a higher charge concentration according to charge distribution?

Question 23 of 35

24. Lighting is produced when 2 opposite charged clouds attract one another strongly and neutralize each other causing thunder and lightning. True or False?

Question 24 of 35

25. Which capacitor consists of 2 thin strips of paper which are separated by a metal foil?

Question 25 of 35

26. Which of the following statements is CORRECT when a capacitor is charged by a battery?

Question 26 of 35

27. If a capacitor is connected to a circuit which has a higher voltage than the capacitors rated maximum voltage then the capacitor shall become a conductor. True or False?

Question 27 of 35

28. Define capacitance

Question 28 of 35

29. Mention the importance of lighting arrestor

Question 29 of 35

30. Do you expect to detect charges on the inside surface of a charged hollow conductor/ cylinder?

Question 30 of 35

31. Which of the following is among the applications of a capacitor?

Question 31 of 35

32. Mention the 2 types of connections in which capacitors can be connected in a circuit?

Question 32 of 35

33. Which of the following statements is CORRECT about when a capacitor is discharged?

Question 33 of 35

34. The space around a charged body where the force of attraction or repulsion is felt is called?

Question 34 of 35

35. Mention the influencing factors of capacitance

Question 35 of 35