Electromagnetic Spectrum

1. Which of the following is an example of electromagnetic waves?

Question 1 of 21

2. Which of the following statement is TRUE about Radio waves?

Question 2 of 21

3. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about Infrared Radiation

Question 3 of 21

4. Which of the following is NOT a beneficial use of Ultraviolet radiation?

Question 4 of 21

5. Which of the following is a beneficial use of X-rays?

Question 5 of 21

6. Which of the following statements about Gamma rays is CORRECT?

Question 6 of 21

7. Which of the following is NOT a beneficial use of infrared radiation?

Question 7 of 21

8. Which electromagnetic wave is produced as a result of small energy changes in the electrons of an atom?

Question 8 of 21

9. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Ultraviolet Radiation (U.V)

Question 9 of 21

10. Define electromagnetic spectrum

Question 10 of 21

11. Which electromagnetic wave is produced as a result of large energy changes in the electrons of an atom?

Question 11 of 21

12. Mention the some of the hazards of electromagnetic waves

Question 12 of 21

13. Which electromagnetic wave is produced by magnetrons?

Question 13 of 21

14. In electromagnetic waves, the energy in the wave is computed by the formula E = hf where: h = plancks constant ( 6.63 x 10 power of -34 Js) and F= frequency of the wave. True or False?

Question 14 of 21

15. Which of the following statements about X-rays is CORRECT?

Question 15 of 21

16. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves which result from oscillating electric and magnetic fields at right angles to each other. True or False?

Question 16 of 21

17. Which of the following is NOT a beneficial use of Gamma rays?

Question 17 of 21

18. Which of the following is a beneficial use of Radio waves?

Question 18 of 21

19. State the energy formula of electromagnetic waves

Question 19 of 21

20. Mention 3 properties of electromagnetic waves

Question 20 of 21

21. Mention 2 electromagnetic waves produced by the sun

Question 21 of 21