Cells and Simple Circuits

1. Which of the following formulas is used to calculate the amount of current flowing in a circuit given the charge?

Question 1 of 55

2. Which of the following statements is correct concerning electrical devices which are connected in parallel?

Question 2 of 55

3. What is an electric current?

Question 3 of 55

4. Chemical cells are cells which provide E.M.F as a result of a chemical reaction?

Question 4 of 55

5. How does a depolarizer work?

Question 5 of 55

6. What type of circuit does not allow charges to move or stops the charges flowing?

Question 6 of 55

7. Why do bubbles accumulate (polarization) around the least reactive metal of primary cell?

Question 7 of 55

8. Mention 2 defects of a primary simple cell

Question 8 of 55

9. A chemical cell which can be renewed once the chemical cells are exhausted is called?

Question 9 of 55

10. What is the difference between E.M.F and potential difference?

Question 10 of 55

11. Semiconductors are materials whose electrical properties lie between conductors and insulators?

Question 11 of 55

12. What type of circuit allows charges to move in a complete path?

Question 12 of 55

13. How do you prevent short circuiting in a Lead acid accumulator?

Question 13 of 55

14. Voltage is directly proportional to current so long as resistance is kept constant?

Question 14 of 55

15. Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of the alkaline accumulator over Lead-acid accumulator?

Question 15 of 55

16. Mention the 2 types of chemical cells

Question 16 of 55

17. Mention 2 types of circuits?

Question 17 of 55

18. Which of the following is NOT among the maintenance procedures of an accumulator?

Question 18 of 55

19. Define local action?

Question 19 of 55

20. How do you minimize polarization in a primary cell?

Question 20 of 55

21. In a primary cell the most reactive metal will lose electrons and become positive ion?

Question 21 of 55

22. Which of the following is not a conductor of electricity?

Question 22 of 55

23. A battery is two or more cells connected together?

Question 23 of 55

24. What increases Local action?

Question 24 of 55

25. Why are secondary cells called storage cells?

Question 25 of 55

26. Which of the following is not among the maintenance procedures of accumulators?

Question 26 of 55

27. The MAIN advantage of parallel connection of cells is that current is supplied for a longer time?

Question 27 of 55

28. Which of the following statements is correct concerning electrical devices which are connected in series?

Question 28 of 55

29. Why do operations in ships prefer alkaline accumulator over Lead-acid accumulator?

Question 29 of 55

30. Cells in parallel connection should have IDENTICAL E.M.F or otherwise one will drain the other?

Question 30 of 55

31. What are the effects of polarization in a primary cell?

Question 31 of 55

32. What determines the current-carrying capacity in a Lead acid accumulator?

Question 32 of 55

33. What will happen if cell A which has E.M.F of 3.0 V is connected in parallel to another cell which has an E.M.F of 1.5V?

Question 33 of 55

34. Potential difference is measured in volts by an instrument called?

Question 34 of 55

35. What is polarization in a primary cell?

Question 35 of 55

36. Which of the following is not an example of a secondary cell?

Question 36 of 55

37. When 2 or more cells are connected such that the positive terminal of one is connected to the positive terminal of the other, while the negative terminal of one is connected to the negative terminal of the other; they are said to be connected in?

Question 37 of 55

38. Direction of charges in a chemical cell is opposite the direction of electron flow?

Question 38 of 55

39. Which of the following statements is TRUE about when cells are connected in parallel?

Question 39 of 55

40. SI UNIT of current is?

Question 40 of 55

41. Which of the following is not a source of electricity?

Question 41 of 55

42. Mention the 2 types of conductors

Question 42 of 55

43. Materials which allow electric charges to pass through them are called?

Question 43 of 55

44. Why do bulbs connected in parallel light brighter than the ones connected in series?

Question 44 of 55

45. How are secondary cells recharged?

Question 45 of 55

46. In a primary cell the least reactive metal will lose electrons and become negative ion?

Question 46 of 55

47. Why is Graphite a poor conductor of electricity?

Question 47 of 55

48. Why are metals good conductors of electricity?

Question 48 of 55

49. Electric current is the rate of flow of charges?

Question 49 of 55

50. Which of the following is not among the uses of electrical energy?

Question 50 of 55

51. What is the main principle of selecting a metal plate to be used in a primary cell?

Question 51 of 55

52. Which of the following statements is TRUE about when cells are connected in series?

Question 52 of 55

53. A chemical cell which cannot be renewed once the chemical cells are exhausted is called?

Question 53 of 55

54. When 2 or more cells are connected such that the positive terminals of one is joined to the negative terminal of another one, they are said to be connected in?

Question 54 of 55

55. What are the main reasons which cause an open circuit?

Question 55 of 55