C2.6 Carbon and its Compounds

1. How is carbon (IV) oxide prepared in the Lab?

2. What makes graphite a good lubricant of fast-moving machines which generate a lot of heat?

3. Which allotrope of carbon has a giant atomic structure in which carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms to form a regular tetrahedron shape?

4. Mention the properties of Carbon (IV) oxide gas

5. Explain the products formed when carbonates and hydrogen carbonates react with dilute acids

6. How is Carbon (II) oxide produced in the Lab? By dehydrating Methanoic acid using concentrated Sulphuric (VI) acid?                                               

7. What is formed when carbon burns in oxygen?

8. Mention the two common allotropes of carbon

9. Carbonates are salts of metal ions or ammonium ions with carbonate ions. True or False

10. Describe the physical properties of Carbon (II) Oxide.

11. Name the allotrope of carbon which is black, soft and slippery crystalline solid

12. What makes graphite a good conductor of electricity and a good electrode?

13. Which allotrope of carbon has a giant atomic structure in which layers are held together by Van der Waals forces?

14. Mention the uses of Carbon (IV) oxide

15. An impure form of carbon is called

16. Describe Carbon (Ii) oxide

17. Name the allotrope of carbon which is stable, colorless, transparent and shiny crystalline solid

18. Fullerene is a synthetic allotrope of carbon. True or False

19. Which of the following is not an example of amorphous carbon?

20. Allotropy is the existence of an element in more than one form in the same physical state. True or False

21. Describe the characteristics of Diamond

22. How does Carbon react with concentrated sulphuric acid?

23. What is observed when a mixture of carbon and some metals oxides are heated?

24. Describe the characteristics of Graphite

25. How does Carbon react with concentrated Nitric (V) acid?

26. What is the action of heat on carbonates and hydrogen carbonates?

27. Describe Carbon (IV) oxide gas

28. Mention the chemical properties of carbon (II) oxide