C2.3 Structure and Bonding

1. Which of the following is not an example of an ionic compound?

2. Why are metallic structure good conductors of electricity?

3. Why is molten ionic bond structure i.e. NaCl capable of conducting electricity?

4. Give examples of Molecular structures

5. Sodium and Magnesium form ionic chlorides while Aluminum and non-metals in period 3 form covalent chlorides

6. Give examples of Giant covalent structures

7. Mention the name of the giant covalent structure which is formed by carbon atom in graphite bonded by 3 other carbon atoms by a covalent bond to form a hexagonal structure

8. Mention examples of a common covalent bond

9. Mention the name of the giant covalent structure which is formed by allotropes of carbon atoms bonded together to other carbon atoms by a strong covalent bond in an octahedral structure

10. Covalent bonding results in the formation of 2 types of structures. Name them

11. The melting and boiling points in metals increase with

12. Ionic bond involves complete transfer of valence electrons from one atom to another resulting in two ions with opposite charges True or False

13. The chemical bond is the mutual force of attraction that holds the particles together when different elements combine during a chemical reaction.

14. In which state do ionic bond structure capable of conducting electricity?

15. Mention the physical properties of ionic compounds

16. The chlorides of Aluminum and non-metals in period 3 hydrolyze in water to produce acidic solutions

17. State the characteristics of Molecular structures

18. Which of the following is an example of giant ionic structure?

19. Mention the physical properties of molecular structures

20. Do metals have high melting and boiling points because of the strong metallic bond in their structure?

21. Different forms of an element in the same physical state is called

22. The chlorides of sodium and Magnesium dissolve in water producing a neutral solution but for Sodium it results in a slight drop in temperature but Magnesium a small increase in temperature

23. Thermal and electrical conductivity increases with an increase in the number of delocalized electrons in the metallic structure

24. Mention the 3 types of a bond

25. A coordinate bond is a type of covalent bond in which the shared pair of electrons forming the bond is contributed by only one of the atoms forming the bond.True or False

26. When atoms combine by sharing electrons their respective nuclei attract the shared electrons forming a covalent bond that holds the two atoms together e.g. H2 gas. True or False

27. Explain how do elements of period 3 react with water in their oxide compound

28. Define a Molecule

29. Two shared pairs of electrons are represented by

30. A single shared paired of electrons is represented by

31. Explain how do elements of period 3 react with either acid or alkali in their oxide compound

32. In the Molecular structure, the melting and boiling points increase with an increase in relative molecular mass however water with a relative molecular mass of 18 has a very high melting and boiling point compared to Hydrogen sulphide with a relative molecular mass of 34. Explain why