C1.2 Classification of Substances


Question 1 of 38

1. Mention the 2 ways to determine the purity of substances?

Question 1 of 38

Question 2 of 38

2. A pure substance can be classified into:-

Question 2 of 38

Question 3 of 38

3. In a solid-liquid mixture, the solid which doesn’t dissolve in the liquid is said to be?

Question 3 of 38

Question 4 of 38

4. The solid which is formed directly when a vapor cools is known as?

Question 4 of 38

Question 5 of 38

5. The constant temperature at which a pure liquid boils is called?

Question 5 of 38

Question 6 of 38

6. Mention the characteristics of permanent chemical changes?

Question 6 of 38

Question 7 of 38

7. The process of obtaining crystals from saturated solutions is known as?

Question 7 of 38

Question 8 of 38

8. Fractional distillation is used to separate miscible liquids that have different but close boiling points. True or False?

Question 8 of 38

Question 9 of 38

9. A saturated solution is one in which no more solute can dissolve at a given temperature. True or False?

Question 9 of 38

Question 10 of 38

10. How can sodium chloride be obtained from a mixture of sodium chloride and water?

Question 10 of 38

Question 11 of 38

11. Which of the following statements is CORRECT ABOUT ELEMENTS?

Question 11 of 38

Question 12 of 38

12. The smallest particle of an element that can take part in a chemical change is known as?

Question 12 of 38

Question 13 of 38

13. What is the effect of impurities on the melting point of a substance?

Question 13 of 38

Question 14 of 38

14. What is the effect of impurities on the boiling point of a substance?

Question 14 of 38

Question 15 of 38

15. The smallest particle of an element or compound which can exist separately is known as?

Question 15 of 38

Question 16 of 38

16. When a mixture of sand and water is allowed to stand , the sand settles at the bottom and the water is poured off carefully to leave the sand behind. This method is known as?

Question 16 of 38

Question 17 of 38

17. Which of the following is not a type of a mixture of substances?

Question 17 of 38

Question 18 of 38

18. Explain the effect of heat on solids according to the kinetic theory of matter?

Question 18 of 38

Question 19 of 38

19. The fixed temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid is called?

Question 19 of 38

Question 20 of 38

20. The process of grouping together substances with similar properties is called classification?

Question 20 of 38

Question 21 of 38

21. The process where a substance changes from solid to vapor directly or vapor to solid without forming the liquid is known as?

Question 21 of 38

Question 22 of 38

22. Why is Dry ice preferred over ordinary ice with ice-cream vendors?

Question 22 of 38

Question 23 of 38

23. The liquid which flows through the filter paper during filtration is known as?

Question 23 of 38

Question 24 of 38

24. During a temporary chemical change of hydrated copper (ii) sulphate into anhydrous copper (ii) sulphate + water, the process is accompanied by heat energy evolved?

Question 24 of 38

Question 25 of 38

25. Explain the effect of heat on liquids according to the kinetic theory of matter?

Question 25 of 38

Question 26 of 38

26. Mention the characteristic of a temporary chemical change.

Question 26 of 38

Question 27 of 38

27. Solution = solute (solid)+ solvent (liquid). True or False?

Question 27 of 38

Question 28 of 38

28. The method of separation of colored substance due to their difference of absorption on the filter paper is known as?

Question 28 of 38

Question 29 of 38

29. The solid particle that is left on the filter paper during filtration is known as?

Question 29 of 38

Question 30 of 38

30. A pure substance made up of 2 or more elements chemically combined is called?

Question 30 of 38

Question 31 of 38

31. A temporary physical change of solid wax to liquid wax is usually accompanied by a net heat change. Yes or No?

Question 31 of 38

Question 32 of 38

32. How can oil be extracted from nuts and seeds?

Question 32 of 38

Question 33 of 38

33. Mention the characteristics of temporary physical changes?

Question 33 of 38

Question 34 of 38

34. How can a mixture of sand and sodium chloride be separated?

Question 34 of 38

Question 35 of 38

35. How can a solvent be obtained from a solution? {Solid-liquid}

Question 35 of 38

Question 36 of 38

36. The method of separation which uses a filter paper and the solid particles are left on the filter paper and the liquid flows through the filter is known as?

Question 36 of 38

Question 37 of 38

37. Mention the application of fractional distillation?

Question 37 of 38

Question 38 of 38

38. In a solid-liquid mixture , when a solid dissolves in a liquid it said to be?

Question 38 of 38